.....Yesterday i went to Manukan island.....
- The place is about 15 minutes by boat from Jesselton point KK.
- The place was amazing, clear blue-green water, and I can see fishes... many of them... soo colorful, i can even see it from the jetty, anybody who has been there before know how beautiful the place is.
- The price is affordable and worth of paying too.. you've to go there to find out the price tho because i forgot how much was it (i was too damn excited to go)... (sakai kan) haha but not more than MYR40 per person... I'm sure of that. (the price is including return boat fees , park fees, and snorkeling set)... i feel like going again... i love the place, to fing peaceful in mind and out of problems!!
- And yeah you can enjoy much more activities there... like ride a banana boat, diving etc... and yes you can find out it there too...
- I didn't get the chance to go all the activities because it was a 'last-minute' plan!! we went there at 2pm and came back at 5pm... but hell yeah i had enough time for snorkeling... i was 2 and a half hours in the water lol... i enjoyed the 'under-sea' scenery... i can't tell by words... the feeling was amazing i never imagine i could go to the deep side of the sea just to see more wonderful/colorful fishes, star fishes, sea cucumber etc.... the fish don't even bite me even though they're bigger than my head...lol
- and... ummm owh yeahhh... i used my brother's sunblock lotion too... good one.. my advice is.. don't be stingy to buy an expensive sunblock lotion because it's for your own good... i didn't even get any sunburn.. really!!! it was really hot yesterday but my skin are in normal color ..just as same as before i went!! so just buy okay, he bought the sunblock for MYR50++ i forgot what the brand is plus.. he helped to put it on me anyway... so i don't give shit to look at it haha beside all i want is to jump in the water!!!!!! haha
- I can't upload the pic now because of two reason, one, i lost my card reader so i can't upload the pic from my HP (can anyone please lend me one or just buy one for me lol) and reason number two is, I haven't take my external hard disk from my brother yet, cuz he put the photos from his camera inside it... tomorrow will get... so i promise i'll upload all the photos tomorrow... i don't know if i should include the 'ko-mo-sensored-ni-gambar' or not.. (not that sexy bah cuma can see la sikit2.. haram!!)
- owh yeah i forgot something.. i went there with my younger brothers eric and casey, and my younger sister Cynthia and also my friend Melissa.
- yeah i know... blablablabla... thanks for reading!!! PEN OFF!!!!!
p/s I will upload tomorrow before my choir practice, but if don't have will do the next day hehe... i'm a busy woman!!!!!!! haha
About Me
- StefyAnie
- Sometimes my independence does not go well with male ego - I believe that i can always survive even the toughest of circumstances alone and have the ability to come back even after the most gruesome tragedies -I don't like flattery -Over-sweetness and too much closeness can make me runaway -I am very possessive and for me love is something i can never share and i can be very jealous even at the slightest of suspicion -If i get hurts i will be as cold as the ice in your fridge and this can last an entire lifetime!! -I have high expectations in everything - I am possessive and don't like to be possessed I want my freedom and complete trust -When i'm committed to someone or something,there'll be no reason to doubt my loyalty and sincerity -Extremely passionate and believes in forever-lasting relationship -I am emotional though -I believes in miracle,though it sound a little freaky but miracles do happen in my case -The bad things about me is i'll never learn from my mistakes and likely to fall in the same hole again (Dislikes) Boredom,Weakness,Dependency,Overly sensitive people,Wimps,Pretentiousness,Fussiness,Being ill,Cowardice
Monday, March 30, 2009
Manukan island
Photos tag
earth hour malaysia,
kota kinabalu,
Manukan island,
manukan island sabah,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
.....What I did during Earth Hour ???.....
-I went to church for sunset mass...
-On the way back home,I nticed, not all of the people turn their lights off it's pathetic. really. langsung xda semangat!...then i passed by one traffic light at Inanam/kolombong area (the traffic light which near Maybank), it was out of order... i don't know why... semangat earth hour jugak kot!!! hahaha owhh yeah... accident happened involving 3 cars (if i'm not mistaken... i was driving okay..) grrr
-My mother's mini grocery shop also kena tutup lampu... i was happy.. if they didn't i would've go inside and turn off the light hehehhh... then.. sampai rumah.. luckily the lights were off!! we are very supportive harap maklum okay.. sampai i wanted to turn my car lights off sekali... haha but no cannot... :D~~~
-Then my brother and me... took few pictures sebagai kenangan yang terindah sempena earth hour hahaha just check it out okay
- And hehe sorry for the languange... I rojak jer.. hehe too excited to upload the pics i guess...
-Show me what you did during the 1 hour of the most 'black' moment in malaysia!! woohoooooo!!!!
-The candle pic taken by my brother and me and the KLCC from a nice friend of us and edited by my brother…..

So what you all think? nice Isn't?
p/s I took this picture from my brother, he have the same one in his blog, well we did it together by the way... only thing.. the camera is HIS; :D~~~ thanks bro!!
-I went to church for sunset mass...
-On the way back home,I nticed, not all of the people turn their lights off it's pathetic. really. langsung xda semangat!...then i passed by one traffic light at Inanam/kolombong area (the traffic light which near Maybank), it was out of order... i don't know why... semangat earth hour jugak kot!!! hahaha owhh yeah... accident happened involving 3 cars (if i'm not mistaken... i was driving okay..) grrr
-My mother's mini grocery shop also kena tutup lampu... i was happy.. if they didn't i would've go inside and turn off the light hehehhh... then.. sampai rumah.. luckily the lights were off!! we are very supportive harap maklum okay.. sampai i wanted to turn my car lights off sekali... haha but no cannot... :D~~~
-Then my brother and me... took few pictures sebagai kenangan yang terindah sempena earth hour hahaha just check it out okay
- And hehe sorry for the languange... I rojak jer.. hehe too excited to upload the pics i guess...
-Show me what you did during the 1 hour of the most 'black' moment in malaysia!! woohoooooo!!!!
-The candle pic taken by my brother and me and the KLCC from a nice friend of us and edited by my brother…..

So what you all think? nice Isn't?
p/s I took this picture from my brother, he have the same one in his blog, well we did it together by the way... only thing.. the camera is HIS; :D~~~ thanks bro!!
Photos tag
earth hour,
earth hour kl,
earth hour klcc,
earth hour malaysia,
Earth hour @ KL
I took this video from youTube.... this is the best so far... man it was fuuhhhh check it out!!!
Photos tag
earth hour,
earth hour kl,
earth hour klcc,
earth hour malaysia,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
This is whatever
> what i mean by whatever is i want to type in wateva i feel like i want to
> First of all, i just came back from choir practice (practicing for this saturday sunset mass, mass on sunday, Palm sunday and ester vigil!!) Just imagine how many song's I have to practice... urghhhh i am really tired and truly hoping that my bf would ease me down but i doesn't happen as i wished huhu (kesian).
> I need to go my own way.. i don't know why i feel like it, don't ask me.. my mood nowadays are not in a very good condition lol.. i hope i know what i mean too.. haha
> I feel sad.. because in 16 days im goin back to kl already.. im so comfortable here with my family.. i am really sad... i even feel like crying now... sobssss... im gonna miss them very badly.. to the max...!!!
> I'm tired and gettin sleepy.
> Pen off
> what i mean by whatever is i want to type in wateva i feel like i want to
> First of all, i just came back from choir practice (practicing for this saturday sunset mass, mass on sunday, Palm sunday and ester vigil!!) Just imagine how many song's I have to practice... urghhhh i am really tired and truly hoping that my bf would ease me down but i doesn't happen as i wished huhu (kesian).
> I need to go my own way.. i don't know why i feel like it, don't ask me.. my mood nowadays are not in a very good condition lol.. i hope i know what i mean too.. haha
> I feel sad.. because in 16 days im goin back to kl already.. im so comfortable here with my family.. i am really sad... i even feel like crying now... sobssss... im gonna miss them very badly.. to the max...!!!
> I'm tired and gettin sleepy.
> Pen off
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
..... I lost my card reader.....
I don't know where it went
I was searching like... for the whole day and could not find it
Fool to whoever stole it you should feel shameful
My heart is pain cuz it was a gift
Where are you...owhhhhh
I don't know where it went
I was searching like... for the whole day and could not find it
Fool to whoever stole it you should feel shameful
My heart is pain cuz it was a gift
Where are you...owhhhhh
This sunset,taken while me and sayang on the way to Sg petani kedah from penang (visit his grandmother in the hospital) so this amazing scenery waaalaaahhh!!!
This is me.. ;D
I supposed to post it few months ago but a lot of things happened. Jag's grandmother passed away 2 days before CNY it was pathetically sad. Ill be missin her forever and yeah may her Soul be Rest in peace.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I love him
.....Just a short post here......
Why do people tend to change once they get what they want? At first being nice and after a while, they'll be totally different an expecting us to always understand. But the worst part of all is, we forced ourself to be nice and always try to understand their feeling but getting ZERO in return... got what i mean?.. lousy day, lousy people and damn!!!
.....Perhaps I Woke up at the wrong side of the bed today.....
Why do people tend to change once they get what they want? At first being nice and after a while, they'll be totally different an expecting us to always understand. But the worst part of all is, we forced ourself to be nice and always try to understand their feeling but getting ZERO in return... got what i mean?.. lousy day, lousy people and damn!!!
.....Perhaps I Woke up at the wrong side of the bed today.....

TAG from Head hunter the kadazan boy a.k.a eric
Tag!! Argghhh.. I’ve got tagged by Head Hunters The kadazan Boy… so this is the result.. yo!!!
1. How late did you stay up last night and why?
-2am, maybe because to used to it, too tired can’t shut my eyes off and of course I’m surfing the internet LOL.
2. What’s the connection between you and the last person you texted?
- He’s my younger brother
3.Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a E?
- E??? urmmm is Emak count? Heheeee if it doesn’t than nope!
4. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
- Yes of course..
5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- My Mum.
6. Ever kissed anyone 18 or older?
- Kiss again.. hmm yes I pernah ;P~~
7.Do you miss anyone?
- Yes, my another half is million of miles away…
8.What does your 8th text message say?
- hahah hehhee oppsiee.. MMS from my sayang. A goodnite kiss pic from him wahhh
9.Have you held hands with anyone today?
- No
10.Do you regret anything?
- So far… no, every decision I made no matter it’s a smart or my own stupidity it was all because I decide want to take the risk, so no regret.
11.What are you excited about?
- Bought clothes and Gucci glasses today.. Excited lorr can’t wait to use it. ;P
12.Plans for tonight
- To show my hidden talent in cooking to my family.. but they know I can cook.. ;D~~
13.Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
- I’m always in a relationship, since the day I was born and infinity even when im a dead. haha
14.What are you doing tomorrow?
- Let today finish first, I’ll plan about it tonight hehe
15.Do you like to cuddle?
- Like it so much, cuddle can release tension.
16.What are your plans for the weekend?
- Let today finish first I can’t say anything till the day come but, as usual.. church is Sunday snday is church lol
17.Whats your hair look like today?
- Look like hair..not mope! Haha
18.What are you doing right now?
-Answering this question
19.What was the last thing you ate?
- Rice with chicken mayonnaise
20.Ever go camping?
- yes.. used to be my hobby but nobody is goin anymore sobsss
21.Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
- coins.. ;P
22.Do you like birds?
- Not really but I do like the sound of bird early in the morning when I woke up and watching them flying in every morning and evening..
23.Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
- Annoyed by him cuz I can’t explain it here.. it’s just very annoying.
24.Who do you tell everything to?
- My diary, and 98% of that everything I usually tell it to my bf, he’s my another half by the way.
25.Have you spoken to your mother today?
- Yep.. whole day spent with my mom today.
26.What color is your hair?
- Light brown.
27.Would you kiss the last person you kissed, again?
- one word “DefinitelyYES” :P~~
28.Are you happy?
- 98%/100% happy
29.Where were you an hour ago?
- Living room, slicing onion while watching twilight after watching it like a billion times.
30.Do you have any tattoo/piercings?
-No tattoo but piercing yes.
31.Do you hate your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
- No, I’ve forgive him.
32.Do you drink bottled water?
- Then? Of course I drink.
33.Can you make yourself sneeze?
- Yes in dusty area
34.Do you fall for people easily?
- Yes, fall in like yes if she/he a nice person but not fall in love larrr not easy wehh.
35.What are you listening to right now?
- I miss you by Darren hayes.
36.How has the week been?
- Pretty busy and full of fakeness I mean i was pretending all the time that I don’t miss him but I do a hundred times.
37.Are you too forgiving?
- No I’m not
38.Do you think you'll be a good mother/father?
- Yes and everyone is
39.What is the last thing you spent money on?
- Lingeries!!!!
40.Congratulations! You just had a baby boy whats his name?
- wahhh.. I don’t realize that I was pregnant, no pain at all giving birth huh lol.. I don’t know.. can’t think in such sudden furthermore.. I need the baby’s fathers opinion.. shhh my baby’s name is secret for now.. I’ll tell you someday. hehe
41.Last thing you bought at the mall?
- Clothes, Gucci glasses, Lingeries.. wwooahhh
42.Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
- It’s comfortable, bought it in F.O.S and all of my friends want the same shirt as mine lol.
43.Do you take the escalator, elevator or steps?
- Usually escalator.
44.Last time you were at the playground?
- Last time eh? Last year I think November, played badminton with sayang
45.Do you order more when you don't have to pay?
-No and never.
46.Sports you've played?
-Badminton, hockey, archery, erkkk too many to list down.. really but basically I’ve tried everything but the latest is rally sport and golf
47.What did your last text say, and whos it from?
- From My sister in law, Sandra she said ‘Abang yang ambi’ ;)
48.What are you obsessed with?
- In the moment obsessed with Jag and Edward cullen (not Robert pattinson cuz I like his act in twilight)
49.Would you rather skydive or bungee jump?
- Want to try both.. someday yes someday but I’m phobia with height.. grrrr
50.What's one place you would like to visit?
- The whole world
51.How are you feeling today?
- Blurr and happy but irritating too
52.Last restaurant you went to?
- Food court in Giant
53.Do you like someone right now?
- Yes I like a lot of people lately
54.Do you have a dirty mind
- hhehe.. YES… I’m not a straight person.. I’m the devil in disguise hahaha
55.What would you do if you saw a person fall down a flight of stairs?
- Rolling on he floor laughing my ass off but then later I’ll help hehe and say sory I can’t help it hoho
56.Anything weird happen to you recently?
- yes… like.. I’m forgetting his hand easily and his voice erkkk
57.Person you want to tag
- It’s you.. yeah you. Who ever read my blog please do this tag okay.. ;P
1. How late did you stay up last night and why?
-2am, maybe because to used to it, too tired can’t shut my eyes off and of course I’m surfing the internet LOL.
2. What’s the connection between you and the last person you texted?
- He’s my younger brother
3.Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a E?
- E??? urmmm is Emak count? Heheeee if it doesn’t than nope!
4. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
- Yes of course..
5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- My Mum.
6. Ever kissed anyone 18 or older?
- Kiss again.. hmm yes I pernah ;P~~
7.Do you miss anyone?
- Yes, my another half is million of miles away…
8.What does your 8th text message say?
- hahah hehhee oppsiee.. MMS from my sayang. A goodnite kiss pic from him wahhh
9.Have you held hands with anyone today?
- No
10.Do you regret anything?
- So far… no, every decision I made no matter it’s a smart or my own stupidity it was all because I decide want to take the risk, so no regret.
11.What are you excited about?
- Bought clothes and Gucci glasses today.. Excited lorr can’t wait to use it. ;P
12.Plans for tonight
- To show my hidden talent in cooking to my family.. but they know I can cook.. ;D~~
13.Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
- I’m always in a relationship, since the day I was born and infinity even when im a dead. haha
14.What are you doing tomorrow?
- Let today finish first, I’ll plan about it tonight hehe
15.Do you like to cuddle?
- Like it so much, cuddle can release tension.
16.What are your plans for the weekend?
- Let today finish first I can’t say anything till the day come but, as usual.. church is Sunday snday is church lol
17.Whats your hair look like today?
- Look like hair..not mope! Haha
18.What are you doing right now?
-Answering this question
19.What was the last thing you ate?
- Rice with chicken mayonnaise
20.Ever go camping?
- yes.. used to be my hobby but nobody is goin anymore sobsss
21.Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
- coins.. ;P
22.Do you like birds?
- Not really but I do like the sound of bird early in the morning when I woke up and watching them flying in every morning and evening..
23.Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
- Annoyed by him cuz I can’t explain it here.. it’s just very annoying.
24.Who do you tell everything to?
- My diary, and 98% of that everything I usually tell it to my bf, he’s my another half by the way.
25.Have you spoken to your mother today?
- Yep.. whole day spent with my mom today.
26.What color is your hair?
- Light brown.
27.Would you kiss the last person you kissed, again?
- one word “DefinitelyYES” :P~~
28.Are you happy?
- 98%/100% happy
29.Where were you an hour ago?
- Living room, slicing onion while watching twilight after watching it like a billion times.
30.Do you have any tattoo/piercings?
-No tattoo but piercing yes.
31.Do you hate your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
- No, I’ve forgive him.
32.Do you drink bottled water?
- Then? Of course I drink.
33.Can you make yourself sneeze?
- Yes in dusty area
34.Do you fall for people easily?
- Yes, fall in like yes if she/he a nice person but not fall in love larrr not easy wehh.
35.What are you listening to right now?
- I miss you by Darren hayes.
36.How has the week been?
- Pretty busy and full of fakeness I mean i was pretending all the time that I don’t miss him but I do a hundred times.
37.Are you too forgiving?
- No I’m not
38.Do you think you'll be a good mother/father?
- Yes and everyone is
39.What is the last thing you spent money on?
- Lingeries!!!!
40.Congratulations! You just had a baby boy whats his name?
- wahhh.. I don’t realize that I was pregnant, no pain at all giving birth huh lol.. I don’t know.. can’t think in such sudden furthermore.. I need the baby’s fathers opinion.. shhh my baby’s name is secret for now.. I’ll tell you someday. hehe
41.Last thing you bought at the mall?
- Clothes, Gucci glasses, Lingeries.. wwooahhh
42.Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
- It’s comfortable, bought it in F.O.S and all of my friends want the same shirt as mine lol.
43.Do you take the escalator, elevator or steps?
- Usually escalator.
44.Last time you were at the playground?
- Last time eh? Last year I think November, played badminton with sayang
45.Do you order more when you don't have to pay?
-No and never.
46.Sports you've played?
-Badminton, hockey, archery, erkkk too many to list down.. really but basically I’ve tried everything but the latest is rally sport and golf
47.What did your last text say, and whos it from?
- From My sister in law, Sandra she said ‘Abang yang ambi’ ;)
48.What are you obsessed with?
- In the moment obsessed with Jag and Edward cullen (not Robert pattinson cuz I like his act in twilight)
49.Would you rather skydive or bungee jump?
- Want to try both.. someday yes someday but I’m phobia with height.. grrrr
50.What's one place you would like to visit?
- The whole world
51.How are you feeling today?
- Blurr and happy but irritating too
52.Last restaurant you went to?
- Food court in Giant
53.Do you like someone right now?
- Yes I like a lot of people lately
54.Do you have a dirty mind
- hhehe.. YES… I’m not a straight person.. I’m the devil in disguise hahaha
55.What would you do if you saw a person fall down a flight of stairs?
- Rolling on he floor laughing my ass off but then later I’ll help hehe and say sory I can’t help it hoho
56.Anything weird happen to you recently?
- yes… like.. I’m forgetting his hand easily and his voice erkkk
57.Person you want to tag
- It’s you.. yeah you. Who ever read my blog please do this tag okay.. ;P
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I am back on track
~~~~~~I'll be actively blogging about everything regarding on my 'pursuit of happiness' start from tomorrow onwards... why i did not post anything because i was busy + lazy + i do not have any idea of what to put in here (actually malas..huhu) but heyy.. let it go haha i'm on the mood already.. my brother Eric said i actually have lots of thing to post but yeah he knows it too that i'm a lazy bom-bom ngahaha~~~~~~~
Will be back tomorrow!! this is just an announcement
Jangan nak termuntah sudahhhhhhh
Will be back tomorrow!! this is just an announcement
Jangan nak termuntah sudahhhhhhh
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